Extent of M&A deals and funding requirements to achieve corporate objectives.

07 May, by

Hi Friends,

Re: Extent of M&A deals and funding requirements to achieve corporate objectives. 

I have uploaded a simple Financial Model to assist Corporate Planning for M&A.

Admittedly, most Management and/or the Board of companies do not have a systematic approach to M&A. They end up not realising the objectives they set out to achieve.

As illustrative, an objective of a group of companies, now at group turnover of $250 million may plan to achieve a turnover of $500 million in 3 years’ time. So, they look out for targets, either  opportunistically or by design, to achieve that objective. Two challenges arise from such an approach.

  1. Target companies are  either over or under-acquired to make up the group turnover of $500 million, and
  2. At the outset, they do not know how much funding is required to achieve the objective.

The simple Financial Model (FM at https://www.cfodesk.com.sg/templates) will assist Management and Board to resolve these 2 key challenges. The FM can be tweaked to suit the company’s characteristics and specific requirements.

Trust you will find the FM useful. Please share it with your friends and colleagues who may benefit tremendously from applying it.


Michael M Lee





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