Cashflow Statement Analysis – Unlocking cashflows for corporate growth.

Cashflow Statement Analysis – Unlocking cashflows for corporate growth (1-day course)

Tentatively on Wed 29 April 2020



The future of a company and its survival depend very much on its cashflow management. Central to any business endeavour is the adequacy of cash and how cash is being raised, deployed, collected, and professionally managed. This course covers an overview of the cashflow cycle, an understanding of the management of working capital, and the preparation of weekly/monthly cashflow reports (including review and analysis thereof), and an appreciation of the Statement of Cashflows, line by line.

This course is different from any other as it firstly, covers primarily how to interpret the key components of the Cashflow Statement and a profound analysis of each, applying a 7-step procedure, leading to unlocking cashflows for corporate growth.

Secondly, it teaches how to decipher past trends in cashflows, applying a 5-step procedure, leading to an enlightened appreciation of how a growing and sustainable cashflow can be managed.



  1. The cashflow cycle
  2. Management of working capital
  3. Management of P&L items for profitability and growth.
  4. Preparation of weekly cashflow reports – review & analysis
  5. The importance of back-testing
  6. Preparation of monthly cashflow reports
  7. Use of financial ratios to complement cashflow analysis
  8. The Statement of Cashflows – a profound analysis of its components
  9. How to unlock cashflows for corporate growth – the 7-step current cashflow analysis and the 5-step cashflow trend analysis.


Who should attend?

  1. Newly-appointed Finance Managers
  2. Finance Managers who want to widen their scope of knowledge and skill sets
  3. CFO-aspirants
  4. Finance Managers who seek a refresher course
  5. Heads of Finance Department
  6. Finance Manager aspirants
  7. Finance Managers who want to fill knowledge and experience gaps.
  8. Relationship Managers (banks)



This Masterclass will be conducted in an environment conducive to learning where facilitator sharing of practical examples/illustrations reinforces application and the learning experience.


Principal Trainer Profile

Michael Matthew Lee is a trained teacher, lecturer, coach and facilitator, and is himself a life-long learner. He is currently pursuing the Chartered Valuer & Appraiser Programme at Nanyang Business School.

Being trained, he is skilful in explaining difficult concepts in a simple and understandable manner. With his more than 40 years of corporate working experience, which include serving as Group CFO of 3 Main Board public-listed groups, and as MD/CEO/COO of various companies across industries, he specialises in Finance and is exposed to senior executive management practices, issues and challenges. He adopts a practical approach to his training and facilitation

Michael Matthew Lee’s credentials are:

MBA (Finance, NUS Business School)

MBA (Strategic Marketing, University of Hull)

BAcc (NUS); DipM (UK);; PDipM (APAC); ACTA; PMC




Michael has written 7 accounting & finance articles to-date and they can be accessed through


LinkedIn: “Michael M Lee”; and

Facebook: “Michael M Lee”

  • 8 Oct 2018: “Debit & Credit” – Upon this Rock, the House of Accountancy was built!
  • 17 Oct 2018: Financial Statement Analysis (an overview) – moving from lagging (historical) indicators to leading (predictive) indicators.
  • 26 Nov 2018: Traditional Financial Statement Analysis –using lagging indicators (Part 1)
  • 17 Dec 2018: Financial Statement Analysis – using leading indicators (Part 2)
  • 24 Jan 2019: Financial Statement Analysis –Is there an optimal capital structure? (Part 3)
  • 24 Feb 19: Financial Statement Analysis – What is V.I.S.A.? (Part 4)
  • 7 Apr 19: Financial Statement Analysis – The V.I.S.A. Approach (Part 5)

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For Payment Direct to The CFO Desk Pte Ltd’s Bank Current Account, details are:

  • Beneficiary Name: The CFO Desk Pte Ltd
  • Bank Account No.: 512 79321 7001
  • Bank Name: OCBC Bank
  • Branch Name: Marine Parade Branch
  • Bank Address: 80 Marine Parade Road, #15-05 to #15-09, Singapore 449269



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