Finance for Non-Finance Managers


This is a 2-day course packaged for operational and functional managers and senior managers who have only some knowledge of accounting and finance, but who need to understand finance to be able to perform their jobs better and/or to interface with Finance department staff. It is also designed for professionals who need a good working knowledge of Finance to apply in their job.

This course introduces the scope of finance and the areas that one will need to know to understand financial statements and their usefulness in decision-making. The fundamental areas covered are:

  1. The framework of accounting (assumptions, principles and concepts)
  2. The interrelationships among key components of the financial statements ie the Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet), the Profit & Loss Statement, and the Statement of Cashflows.
  3. Financial Statement analysis and interpretation.
  4. “Financial limits to growth” model
  5. Capital structure and its implication to financial and operational leverage and risks
  6. Budgetting & forecasting (introducing Linear Regression Model in budgeting sales)
  7. Cashflow and working capital management
  8. Investment appraisal concepts

As cashflow is the centre-piece of finance, you will learn how to read cashflow statements in detail and learn cashflow management techniques.

With more than 40 years of working experience in accounting & finance at a senior management level, Michael Lee (the master trainer) managed to string together all the accounting and finance concepts, the interrelationships, the flows and analyses into a single integrated diagram for easy comprehension. This is not found in any textbooks or courses.

The course also cover the Financial reporting regime, Budgeting using Linear regression method to project sales, and Investment appraisal concepts.

Objectives of course

At the end of the 2-day course, you will be able to

  • articulate the scope of finance
  • read finance statements and understand the component interrelationships
  • apply financial ratios to analyse financial statements
  • understand the critical difference between ROA (Return on assets) and ROE (return on equity)
  • analyse cashflow statement in detail and its implications to the business
  • understand operating and financial leverages, business and financial risks and their linkages to capital structure.
  • Learn the importance of “financial limits to growth” model and its significance in assessing the going-concern assumption of the firm.
  • understand the financial reporting regime, budgeting & forecasting process and the linear regression method of budgeting sales.
  • articulate investment appraisal concepts and their applications

Who should attend?

This course is designed for senior executives (MDs, Directors, CEOs, GMs), senior managers, newly-promoted managers, operations managers and functional managers, and relationship managers who need to understand finance and/or analyse financial statements in the course of their work and in interfacing with finance staff. It is also for non-finance professionals who need a clear understanding of this subject.


This course will be conducted in an environment conducive to learning where quizzes and group work will also be used to reinforce learning. Illustrations and examples from the trainer’s and participants’ experiences will be shared.

Course (commencement date: TBA)

A 2-day course, from 9 am to 5 pm

Course Fee

To be advised


YMCA Orchard

1 Orchard Road

Singapore 238824


Michael Lee’s profile

Michael Lee is a trained teacher, lecturer and facilitator, and is himself a life-long learner. Being trained, he is skillful in explaining difficult concepts in a simple and understandable manner. With his 40-odd years of corporate experience which include serving as group CFO of 3 main Board public-listed companies and as MD/CEO/COO of various companies across industries, he specializes in Finance and is exposed to senior executive management practices, issues and challenges. He adopts a practical approach to his training.

His qualifications are as designated:

MBA (Finance, NUS Business School);

MBA (Strategic Marketing, University of Hull)

BAcc; DipM(UK); PDipM(Asia-Pacific); ACTA, PMC

ASEAN CPA; FCA(Singapore); FCPA(Aust);  FCCA(UK);  FCIM(UK);  MSID.



Michael has written 7 accounting & finance articles to-date and they can be accessed through


LinkedIn: “Michael M Lee”; and

Facebook: “Michael M Lee”

  • 8 Oct 2018: “Debit & Credit” – Upon this Rock, the House of Accountancy was built!
  • 17 Oct 2018: Financial Statement Analysis (an overview) – moving from lagging (historical) indicators to leading (predictive) indicators.
  • 26 Nov 2018: Traditional Financial Statement Analysis –using lagging indicators (Part 1)
  • 17 Dec 2018: Financial Statement Analysis – using leading indicators (Part 2)
  • 24 Jan 2019: Financial Statement Analysis –Is there an optimal capital structure? (Part 3)
  • 24 Feb 19: Financial Statement Analysis – What is V.I.S.A.? (Part 4)
  • 7 Apr 19: Financial Statement Analysis – The V.I.S.A. Approach (Part 5)


Finance for Non-Finance Managers

Course outline

  1. The scope of finance and what a non-finance manager needs to know about finance
  2. The framework of accounting (assumptions, principles and conventions)
  3. Debits and credits re-visited
  4. Objectives of financial accounting
    • Maximization of profit
    • Maximisation of wealth
  5. Goals of financial management
    • Profit-risk approach
    • Liquidity-profitability approach
  6. Financial statements – Statement of financial position (Balance Sheet), Profit & Loss statement, and Cashflow statement
  7. Integrated diagram showing the concepts, interrelationships, flows and analyses.
  8. Cashflow statement analysis and cashflow management techniques
  9. Capital structure and its implications to leverage and risks.
  10. Financial statement analysis – ratio analysis and interpretation
  11. ROA (Dupont Method) vs ROE Method
  12. “Financial limits to growth” Model
  13. An integrated and systematic approach to financial statement analysis
  14. Budgetting and Forecasting (introducing the Linear regression model in budgeting sales)
  15. Cashflow and working capital management
  16. Investment appraisal – risk/reward, time value of money. Net present value (NPV), Discounted cashflow (DCF), Internal rate of return (IRR)




For Payment Direct to The CFO Desk Pte Ltd’s Bank Current Account, details are:

  • Beneficiary Name: The CFO Desk Pte Ltd
  • Bank Account No.: 512 79321 7001
  • Bank Name: OCBC Bank
  • Branch Name: Marine Parade Branch
  • Bank Address: 80 Marine Parade Road, #15-05 to #15-09, Singapore 449269



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