Financial Modelling for Business Decisions
10Financial Modelling for Business Decisions (2-day course)
In most aspects of Finance, there is a need to evaluate scenarios and “What if” situations – in investment appraisals, corporate planning, budgeting, financial projections and the like. This is normally achieved by designing a financial model with selective variables and outputs that are critical in decision making.
This 2-day course teaches the participant how to design a financial model using simple Excel functions and how to determine the variables that are required for analysis.
Objectives of the Course
At the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Identify financial decision-making situations that requires financial modelling
- Apply the 5 phases in financial modelling
- Construct a base model for financial modelling
- Design an appropriate financial model to aid decision making – projected Balance Sheet and P&L, Budgetting (Sales, EBIT & PAT targets), Corporate Planning, M&A funding requirements, and more.
- Identify the right “What if” variables
- To work on scenarios by adjusting selected variables
- To analyse and interprete results
At each session participants are encouraged to share their work experiences, issues and challenges, relating to the topic in discussion, and in the process, seek advice, coaching and resolution.
Who should attend?
- Newly-appointed Finance Managers
- Finance Managers who want to widen their scope of knowledge and skill sets in financial modelling
- CFO-aspirants
- Finance Managers who seek a refresher course in financial modelling
- Heads of Finance Department
- Finance Manager aspirants
- Finance Managers who want to fill knowledge and experience gaps.
- Relationship Managers (banks)
- Financial consultants
This course will be conducted in an environment conducive to learning where group/individual classwork and coaching will be applied to reinforce learning.
Participants are encouraged to share their real-life cases. Some of the cases could be used to design a financial model as a class project.
Participations are required to bring their laptop (with Excel & thumb-drive) and calculator (with Excel) to class.
Duration of Course (commencement date: TBA)
2-day course
Course Fee
To be advised.
Principal Trainer Profile
Michael Matthew Lee is a trainer teacher, lecturer, coach and facilitator, and is himself a life-long learner. Being trained, he is skilful in explaining difficult concepts in a simple and understandable manner. With his more than 40 years of corporate working experience, which include serving as CFO of 3 Main Board public-listed groups, and as MD/CEO/COO of various companies across industries, he specialises in Finance and is exposed to senior executive management practices, issues and challenges. He adopts a practical approach in his conduct of training and seminars.
Michael Matthew Lee’s credentials:
MBA (Finance, NUS Business School) (1989)
MBA (Strategic Marketing, University of Hull) (1997)
BAcc (University of Singapore (NUS), 1975); DipM (UK) (1989);
PDipM (Asia-Pac) (1999); ACTA (2014); PMC (2015)
Michael has written 7 accounting & finance articles to-date and they can be accessed through
LinkedIn: “Michael M Lee”; and
Facebook: “Michael M Lee”
- 8 Oct 2018: “Debit & Credit” – Upon this Rock, the House of Accountancy was built!
- 17 Oct 2018: Financial Statement Analysis (an overview) – moving from lagging (historical) indicators to leading (predictive) indicators.
- 26 Nov 2018: Traditional Financial Statement Analysis –using lagging indicators (Part 1)
- 17 Dec 2018: Financial Statement Analysis – using leading indicators (Part 2)
- 24 Jan 2019: Financial Statement Analysis –Is there an optimal capital structure? (Part 3)
- 24 Feb 19: Financial Statement Analysis – What is V.I.S.A.? (Part 4)
- 7 Apr 19: Financial Statement Analysis – The V.I.S.A. Approach (Part 5)
Financial Modelling for Business Decisions
Course Content
- What is Financial Modelling?
- Why the need for a Financial Model and Financial Modelling?
- The 5 phases in Financial Modelling
- How to construct a base financial model
- How to design a Financial Model
- Selection of “What if” variables – sensitivity analysis
- Adjusting selected variables in Financial model
- Analysis and interpretation of results
- Financial ratios re-visited
- Investment/project metrics re-visited
-Time value of money, NPV, IRR, DPB, DCF - Application of Financial Modelling to
- Sales force planning
- Finance Dept headcount justification
- Breakeven/CVP analysis
- Budgetting & forecasting (to achieve required target numbers)
- Monitoring shortfall between “Actual vs Budget”
- Projected financial statements (P&L and Balance Sheet)
- Investment appraisal
- Corporate planning and M&A requirements
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For Payment Direct to The CFO Desk Pte Ltd’s Bank Current Account, details are:
- Beneficiary Name: The CFO Desk Pte Ltd
- Bank Account No.: 512 79321 7001
- Bank Name: OCBC Bank
- Branch Name: Marine Parade Branch
- Bank Address: 80 Marine Parade Road, #15-05 to #15-09, Singapore 449269